urbanbubble - Complaints Procedure

urbanbubble is the property manager for Folk Co-living and is responsible for addressing formal complaints.

urbanbubble strives to provide a high level of service; however we recognise that occasionally, we might not meet the high standards we set ourselves. If you are unhappy with our service, we’d like to know so we can put things right for you. Outlined below you’ll find some simple steps to take should you wish to make a complaint.

urbanbubble strives to provide a high level of service; however we recognise that occasionally, we might not meet the high standards we set ourselves. If you are unhappy with our service, we’d like to know so we can put things right for you. Outlined below you’ll find some simple steps to take should you wish to make a complaint.

Stage One

We’d like to deal with your issue as quickly as possible. One of our team members (either onsite, in person, over the phone or via email) will attempt to resolve your complaint in the first instance.

Stage Two

If one of our team members is unable to resolve your complaint in the first instance, or you would like to raise a formal complaint, please send us a letter or an email using the contact details below. Clearly state ‘complaint’ in the title and include as much information as possible.  

All written complaints will be acknowledged within three working days and a member of the Senior Leadership Team will investigate and aim to respond, and fully resolve, your complaint to the satisfaction of both parties within 15 working days of sending the acknowledgement letter/email. In the event that we’re unable to do so within this timeframe but are still working on a solution, we will contact you to provide regular updates on our progress.

Stage Three

At this stage, if you are still not satisfied with the responses provided, we will arrange for a separate review to be undertaken by the Customer Experience Executive.

The Customer Experience Executive will acknowledge your complaint within three working days and endeavour to send a final viewpoint letter/email, resolving any issues to the satisfaction of both parties within 15 working days of sending the acknowledgement letter/email. In the event that we’re unable to do so within this timeframe but are still working on a solution, we will contact you to provide regular updates on our progress.

Please note that, dependant on the nature of the complaint and the length of time it has taken to resolve, urbanbubble may make the decision to class a complaint as Stage Three. If this is the case, you will be notified directly.

urbanbubble contact details:

urbanbubble Limited

Sevendale House

7 Dale Street


M1 1JA

Email: [email protected]


Who else can help?

If you are still not satisfied after the final stage of the in house complaints procedure outlined above (or more than eight weeks has elapsed since the formal complaint was first made) you can request an independent review from The Property Ombudsman, who will investigate your complaint without charge. 

You will need to submit your complaint to the Property Ombudsman within 12 months of receiving our final viewpoint letter, including any evidence to support your case.

Property Ombudsman contact details:

The Property Ombudsman

Milford House

43-55 Milford Street




Phone: 01722 333 306

Website: https://www.tpos.co.uk/

Email: [email protected]

As a member of ARMA, urbanbubble comply with ARMA’s Customer Charter and Standards set out by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors’ Code which is available from www.ricsbooks.com or telephone 0870 333 1600.



If at any time during the complaints process either party feels that the situation might benefit from the involvement of an independent mediator, this can be incorporated into the process. Although we acknowledge that mediation can help resolve problems in certain situations, we do not expect it to be necessary as we are more than happy to work and communicate directly with you throughout your complaints process. Should you wish to learn more about independent mediation, you can find further information on the following website



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